The securities regulatory body under the State Council shall formulate the specific provisions for establishing the issuance examination committee, and the appointment periods and work procedures for its personnel, and submit them to the State Council for its approval. 发行审核委员会的具体组成办法、组成人员任期、工作程序由国务院证券监督管理机构制订,报国务院批准。
There are no specific provisions in the law that would prohibit an employer from summarily dismissing an employee due to his/ her misconduct. 例句:法律中没有特定的条文禁止雇主在暑假期间因为员工的表现不佳而将其解雇。
Specific provisions under the labour legislation protect their safety, health and welfare. 劳工法例有特定条文,保障儿童的安全、健康和福利。
But more specific provisions including who will enforce the rules and what the penalties will be are months away. 然而更多的细节,包括谁来执行这法令以及如何处罚,需数月后才出台。
Article31a company shall enhance the management concerning the dismissal of fund managers, and prescribe specific provisions concerning the procedure of the dismissal and resignation of investment managers, hand over and take over of work and post leaving examination. 第三十一条公司应当加强对投资管理人员离职的管理,对投资管理人员解聘、辞职的程序、工作交接、离任审查等作出明确规定。
But, led by the Paris Club of creditors and the IMF, they have raised objections to specific provisions. 但在巴黎俱乐部(ParisClub)债权国和IMF的带头下,它们对某些具体条款提出了反对。
In view of the fact that the scope of the tax preferential policies is quite wide and that the policies are transitional measures, the implementation regulations do not set out the specific provisions for this. 考虑到这些过渡性税收优惠政策内容较多,而且属于过渡性措施,为保证实施条例的稳定性,由国务院根据企业所得税法的有关规定另行规定比较妥当,因此实施条例没有对此作具体规定。
In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and the specific provisions set forth in a statement of work, the provisions of the agreement shall control, except to the extent the provisions in a statement of work expressly provide otherwise. 若本协议的规定与工作一览表中的具体规定发生冲突,以本协议的规定为准,但工作一览表另有明示规定的除外。
The "specific implementation rules" mean the specific provisions on implementation of the national law under authorization. “实施细则”是根据国家法律授权,制定实施国家法律的具体规定。
On the Perfection in the Specific Provisions of Criminal Law& In perspective of the reasoning relation between general provisions and specific provisions; On Relationship between Norm of Administrative Criminal Law and Principle of a Legally Prescribed Punishment for a Specified Crime 论我国刑法分则规范的完善&以总分则之关系的合理定位为切入点论行政刑法规范的适用与罪刑法定原则
The "measures" mean the relative specific provisions on one aspect of the administrative works. “办法”是对某一方面的行政工作作比较具体的规定。
In case of no specific provisions in the previous documents or papers and any discrepancy between the original provisions in effect and the provisions, no adjustment shall be made on the over-collected or under-collected taxes. 在过去文件中未予明确规定,而原来执行的规定与本规定不一致时,其多征或少征税款不予调整。
Elements which are not subject to pressure and which are subject to the RCC-M may be covered within the Code by limited specific provisions ( procurement of materials for example). 不承压但受RCC-M管辖的元件可能在规范内以有限的特定条款涵盖(比如,材料的采购)。
A Study on the Legislative Model of the Specific Provisions of Criminal Law-A Controversy between the Models of Crime Accomplishment and Constitution 论我国刑法分则的立法模式&犯罪既遂与犯罪成立模式之争
In the absence of any specific provisions of relevant laws and regulations, consumers shall have the right to claim compensations from the business operators in line with rules of the trade. 法律、法规未作规定的,消费者有权要求经营者按照行业规则予以赔偿。
As we will see, the Clean Air Act contains specific provisions relating to the protection of parks and wilderness areas. 正如我们所见,《洁净空气法案》包括一些与保护公园与荒野区域有关的具体条款。
Many of the federal environmental laws have specific provisions explaining how the law applies to Native American tribal lands. 许多联邦环境法律有具体的条款解释如何适用于土著居民部落的土地上。
The provisions in the General Principles hereof apply, and reference may be made to the provisions in the Specific Provisions hereof or any other law applicable to a contract which is most similar to such contract. 适用本法总则的规定,并可以参照本法分则或者其他法律最相类似的规定。
The Basel Convention contains specific provisions for the monitoring of implementation and compliance. 巴塞尔公约包含特别的规定监督执行和遵守的情况。
Secondly, at the Labor Contract Law's promulgated and implemented, the industry discussed mostly about the question of specific provisions and legislative purpose. 其次,《劳动合同法》的颁布实施,业界讨论最多的是具体条款和立法宗旨的争议问题。
Subject to any specific provisions to the contrary in this treaty, each Contracting Party shall enjoy all of the rights and assume all of the obligations under this treaty. 除本条约有任何相反的具体规定以外,每一缔约方均应享有本条约规定的一切权利并承担本条约规定的一切义务。
Completed& Uncompleted Crime With Specific Provisions of Criminal Law 犯罪既遂、未遂与我国刑法分则之规定&以盗窃罪为视角
The criminal law, civil law, electoral law, military service law and compulsory education law and some other laws make clear and specific provisions protecting religious freedom and equal rights of religious citizens. 刑法、民法、选举法、兵役法、义务教育法等法律,都对保护宗教信仰自由和信教公民的平等权利作了明确、具体的规定。
Committing action is a designed action type which prescript in specific provisions of the criminal law. 实行行为是刑法分则规定的定型性行为类型,具有定型性、侵害性、有意性和有责性等特征。
As a shipping country, we made specific provisions to subrogation in legislation. 我国作为航运大国,在立法上对代位求偿作出了具体规定。
Secondly, the article on community corporate governance mechanism made specific provisions. 其次,文章对社区法人的治理机构作出了具体规定。
Second, the specific provisions of the scope of social responsibility, and some areas of certain trade-offs. 二是对社会责任的范围做了具体的规定,并对有些范畴进行了一定的取舍。
There are many tax systems of concrete and specific provisions in the tax system. 在税法制度中,对税收责任制度有许多具体和专门的规定。
Existing legal norms and Technology Policy Provides for the principle on highway advertising, There is no specific provisions. 现有的法律规范及技术政策对高速公路广告设置方面的规定都比较原则性,没有具体的条款。